Export Control Measures of United States

Commercial Control List (CCL)

CCL is currently divided into 14 categories, including biotechnology, artificial intelligence, positioning, navigation and timing technology, microprocessor technology, advanced computing technology, data analysis technology, quantum information and sensing technology, logistics technology,30 printing, robots, brain-computer interface techno logy, hyper-factor aerodynamics, advanced materials and monitoring technology. The U.S. Department of Commerce has not yet released the final version of the detailed CCL list.

Entity List of Export Restrictions (Entity List)

Companies and enterprises listed on the entity list will be subject to stricter and broader export controls than those stipulated by CCL. Since 2019, Huawei and its 114 related enterprises have been included in the entity list.  On May 22, to the entity list.

Current U.S. Export Control Laws and Implementing Regulations

The latest US export control law for dual-use goods is the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 (ECRA 2018).  ECRA20 18 grants permanent and extensive jurisdiction to the government (mainly the Ministry of Commerce’s Industry Security Bureau) over exports of dual-use goods. U.S. Department of Commerce’s Industry Security Bureau has formulated the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). EAR has many details of implementing export controls, including export restrictions on military end-use, export restrictions on foreign direct products, and other export restrictions.

The Influence of U.S. Export Control Measures

Wider Restriction Scope

The scope of commodities involved is wider, and the commodity fields of “basic technology” and “emerging technology” are newly added. CCL can judge whether the article is controlled and whether the export of the controlled article requires a license.

More Restriction Situations

Products exported from the United States and re-exported using CCL commodities exported from the United States to other countries.

Products exported from the United States to provide support or assistance for the operation, installation, maintenance, repair and overhaul of military supplies are also included in the category of “military”.

Post time: Jul-10-2020