Interpretation and comparison of management measures of comprehensive bonded areas

Further optimize the industrial structure in the comprehensive bonded area.

Optimize and expand the business scope of production and  operation of enterprises in  the comprehensive bonded zone, and support the development of new formats and  models such as bonded maintenance, financial leasing, cross- border  e- commerce and remanufacturing.

Further coordinate the two markets and promote the circulation of the comprehensive bonded area and the domestic market outside the zone.

Increase the provisions of selective tariff collection, and make it clear that when the goods processed and produced by enterprises in the region are sold in the domestic market, enterprise scan choose to pay tariffs according to their corresponding imported materials; It is clear that enterprises  in the region can use the duty-free equipment within the supervision period to undertake the entrusted  processing  business  outside  the region, and fully  release the surplus  production capacity of enterprises in the region; Increase the relevant provisions of the VAT general taxpayer pilot.

Optimize supervision, simplify the process and further release the reform dividend.

Make it clear that the solid waste generated by enterprises in the region will be discharged according to the  relevant domestic  regulations  on solid waste , and solve the  problem of solid waste  disposal  of enterprises in the region after the  import of solid waste  is completely prohibited ; Clarify that the  goods  in the comprehensive  bonded area will  be  automatically deregulated when the supervision period expires; Optimize the  inspection and  maintenance management regulations of the outgoing area, and extend the  inspection and  maintenance  period from the original “60 days plus 30 days” to “no more than the  contract period”; According to Guo Fa No.3 Document, the regulation  of “convenient  access  area management” was added .

Increase the relevant regulations of inspection and quarantine to adapt to the new functions of customs.

Add inspection and quarantine related laws as the legislative basis; It is clear that quarantine should be carried out  in the  inbound and  outbound links in principle, and the  safety  of  the  country  should  be  strictly observed.  No quarantine should be carried  out  on  goods  entering  and leaving the comprehensive bonded zone  and  outside  the  zone.  In addition, considering that the reform of the business model of commodity inspection in the comprehensive bonded area has not been finalized, the regulations  only  provide  guidelines  for  inspection ,  and  still  follow  the current  Measures  fo r  Inspection  and  Quarantine Supervision Administration in Bonded Areas and other supporting regulations .

Post time: Feb-18-2022